Welcome! I'm
Libby Mills
As a registered dietitian nutritionist, I'm here to translate science into better choices everyday people can make in their everyday lives.
As featured in:

Do You Find Yourself:
- Stressed when trying to figure out what to make for dinner?
- Wondering what to do with the ingredients you have in your pantry and don’t use?
- Unsure how to prep ahead without over-prepping for the week?
- Knowing that eating more fruits and veggies is good for your health, but need some inspiration and short cuts?
- Worrying if you’ve covered your nutritional bases?
- Defaulting to old ways when things get crazy?
I can help!
My Dig In Eat Up philosophy teaches you how to incorporate high-quality nutritious food into your daily diet – without sacrificing flavor or adding more stress to your life!
Eating more plant-based is more than just eating more fruits and vegetables, and it doesn’t have to eliminate meats, poultry, fish, and seafood (unless that’s what you want)!
As a registered dietitian nutritionist, I am an expert in the science and understand that every individual has different nutritional needs and preferences. I would love to work with you and start you on your journey to “Dig In Eat Up!”
Mission Fanatical: your success and health is MY passion!

With a foundation in science, I started my private practice to be YOUR registered dietitian, so that you can quit struggling with conflicting information and wasting time piecing together your nutrition.
Through my extensive education, I learned how to read the research and translate the science into better choices everyday people can make in their everyday lives.
Starting with quality ingredients, whole foods, and a zealous quest for flavorful and delicious food, I have discovered that eating healthy can still taste REALLY good – and I’m here to share my secrets with all of you!
I hope you take some time to learn from me through the vast resources provided on my website – and most importantly HAVE FUN while you Dig In Eat Up!

Listen to my weekly podcast, "Libby's Luncheonette", where I deliver home cooked conversations, eats and tips that focus on our local food system and how sustainable choices can positively affect our personal, community and ecological health and well-being.

Cooking Videos
Cooking is one of my biggest passions, and I love sharing my recipes, tips, and tricks with the world. Learn how to prepare your nutritious meals in a new and exciting ways.

Keep up with the latest nutrition trends, get delicious new recipes, and learn about a wide array of other topics.
I walked out of our meeting this morning feeling even more mindful, energized, and ready to reinforce healthy habits."
My Upcoming Events:
Check me out on Instagram!

Professional Affiliations and Associations: