Add National Nutrition Month to Your Library

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As March opens, every page celebrates the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ National Nutrition Month.

National Nutrition Month is a like a book that you WANT in your kitchen with your favorite cookbooks, dogeared for personal health, open on your coffee table and wrapped to give to everyone you care about.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Complete Food & Nutrition Guide written by Roberta Duyff was honored as one of the nation’s best consumer health information materials in 2018 with the Best of Show Award among all Gold Awards during the National Health Information Awards.  Author Roberta Duyff, share why her book is a MUST HAVE for every bookshelf with can-do’s for National Nutrition Month.

DID YOU KNOW? One in four college students may be  malnourished. About 70% aren’t eating vegetables and fruits like they need. 20-25% reported experiencing some level of food security

Tiffany McGregor, Director of Library Services at Neumann University is writing a new chapter in living, real time. Founder of Neuman University Library’s Food Literacy Initiativeprogram she is changing the food and nutrition culture there, one bite at a time!   

As a traditionally published and self-published author of “Your Personality Lifestyle”, “Your Personality Diet”,  and “Is It Worth It?”, Roberta SchwartzWennik knows how to bring a book to market.  You could say, she has written THIS BOOK too!  And in fact, offers Affordable Editing Services –  that’s her business and website, because “No author should be without an editor and coach”.

If you have ever wanted to write a book, or are considering the vast publishing environment of today or are just curious, you can’t afford to miss my conversation with Roberta Schwartz Wennik as she reveals what authors today need to know.