Live Interview: Kids Eating Right Fosters Young Entrepreneurship

Connecting kids with food is BIG!! And it’s been especially big this month because August is Kids Eat Right month. While getting kids to eat veggies may still present a few challenges for some, getting kids into the kitchen can be a lot of fun and a great lesson in self-reliance, independence and ingenuity. Okay, it’s also a great way to get kids to eat a variety of healthful foods not just in the month of August, for the whole year long and throughout their lifetime!

How cool says the registered dietitian in me, and parents….isn’t this what you want? The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics knows the kitchen can be a great classroom.

Yes, kids can cook. But could the lessons of self-reliance, independence and ingenuity that come from choosing and arranging the toppings for a veggie mini pizza, stirring the zucchini muffin batter or making a waffle iron grilled cheese carry over into other subjects? Could a kid’s favorite summer popsicle translate into an internship or better yet…his own business?

Kid’s Eat Right month is a perfect time to showcase how a young entrepreneur made it his business to help other kids – an adults, eat right.

My interview with founder and CEO of the Pop Shop, Connor Haines originally aired on 8/11/2014. He was 13 years of age at that time.

As part of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Kids Eat Right Month – follow me @nutricooking on Twitter for daily insights and fun ways to help kids (and adults) eat right all year long. Plus something everyone enjoys, amazing recipes. If you didn’t catch them, you’ve got to check out some of my posts that talk about how important it is to give kids an education at home…IN THE KITCHEN!   You love the how-to tips, recipes, and great kid-friendly gadgets. Who wouldn’t love cutting onions wearing a pair of ONION GOGGLES! Got to get a pair of those.

Search @nutricooking posts to see it all.